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  • HUB Brussels


  • Institutions


  • Europe


  • Campaign
  • Photography / Video
  • Digital Marketing
Discover the campaign

Encouraging sustainability among Brussels retailers


Simple, effective solutions exist

hub.brussels, the Brussels Agency for Business Support, commissioned us to raise awareness of the socio-ecological transition among Brussels retailers. Inclusive and representative, the campaign highlights concrete actions taken by the city’s bars, restaurants and retailers.


Special focus on municipalities in the north of Brussels

Shopkeepers in the north of Brussels are statistically less informed about and involved in the business support measures offered by the Region.
So we wanted to honour some real shop owners in these areas who have taken simple steps to reduce their energy bills or their investment in equipment, and hence their ecological footprint.

We photographed 6 portraits across the north of the city, from a well-established neighbourhood bakery in Jette to a trendy café-brunch in Molenbeek and a hair salon using only natural products in Schaerbeek.

Whether it’s changing your lighting to LED bulbs, investing in solar panels or choosing second-hand furnishings for your business, each manager can give you his or her best economic advice with a positive ecological impact!


A visual and human campaign in Brussels

The campaign includes public signage in the northern districts of Brussels, a social network campaign targeting the audience, a radio advert on local radio station Arabel, and articles in the city’s various local magazines. Neighbourhood events are also being organised by hub.brussels, for which we have produced an explanatory brochure accompanied by the campaign portraits.

Broadcasting has taken place in two stages: in June and autumn 2024.

Want to see more ?

European Climate Foundation 

European Climate Foundation 

  • Graphic Design
Solidaris Brabant

Solidaris Brabant

  • Campaign
  • Photography / Video
  • Digital Marketing
  • Copywriting